CBD Shark Feminized Cannabis Seeds


  • THC LEVELS: 8%
  • CBD LEVELS: 8%
  • VARIETY: Mostly Hybrid
  • FLOWERING TIME: 8-10 weeks
  • FLAVOR: Fruity, Sweet, Herbal
  • EFFECTS: Relaxed, Sleepy

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CBD Shark is an Indica-dominant hybrid that is as useful medically as it is for having a nice night out. The strain is a cross between Shark Shock and an unnamed strain very high in CBD, a therapeutic cannabinoid. CBD Shark thus confers a powerful physical pain-relieving effect. It also burns with fragrant and complex smoke. This strain exhibits an equal ratio of THC to CBD, at levels ranging from 5-8%.

CBD Shark is a must-have for those whose chronic pain has not been relieved by more conventional medicine. This is a good choice for regular smokers who want a smoother, more functional high.

% of CDB 5-8%
% of THC 5-8%
Genetics Hybrid Dominant Indica
Origin CBD, Shark Shock


On a purely visual level, the CBD Shark is nothing special. Its cut flowers are small to medium in size and may have a popcorn-like appearance. The buds are typically indica, with a dense and compact structure. The small, tightly curled leaves are a mossy yellowish green and are accented by curly brown pistils. However, due to the decrease in THC levels, the flowers contain relatively few trichomes.

Taste and Aroma

Taste: Fruity, Sweet, Herbal

Aroma: Fruity, Sweet, Herbal

Growing Advice

This strain can be grown indoors or outdoors, although outdoor cultivation requires a semi-humid climate with daytime temperatures between 70 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. The plants tend to grow tall, with some reaching 1.80m in height. CBD Shark flowers in 8 weeks when grown indoors and is ready to harvest in October when grown outdoors. It can produce up to 37 grams of flowers per square foot of plant.

Medical Use

CBD Shark provides the benefits of a high CBD strain. This strain provides complete relaxation and can temporarily reduce stress, depression, anxiety, and even PTSD. It can also alleviate physical pain of all kinds.